Tatyana’s calendar (tfranck@fiaf.org) is accessible and visible to all staff. This allows all employees to visualize calendar availabilities. Most importantly, this should make you aware of meetings with partners of FIAF.
All absences are notified and visible to all via the shared Out of Office calendar.
Please share meetings you are planning with FIAF partners and other similar parties.
The goal is for all of us to be up to date with contacts to external parties which might have a shared interest across departments.
(e.g., Meeting with a corporate partner, an artist, or a rental client with a French connection).
Please add email below as an optional attendee in all meeting invites with FIAF partners and other similar parties.
You will be prompted to search for the calendars in Outlook directly. The calendars can be found here:
Tatyana Franck’s public calendar > Tatyana Franck
External meeting calendar > Meetings
FIAF Out of Office calendar > FIAF Out-Of-Office
Tatyana Franck’s public calendar > Tatyana Franck
For emails of a confidential nature involving Tatyana, please use tf@fiaf.org. This account is confidential and only visible to Tatyana.
*The Executive Office team does not have access to these emails.